Thursday, June 22

Illustration Friday : Dance

Blue bear just couldn't help showing off his sexy new moves when he realised that Kit and Bunny were at the dance too...

: ( Tried to use Illustrator this week, but failed miserably and have gone back to Photoshop.

Thursday, June 15

Illustration Friday : Jungle

Blue bear started to wish he had chosen a different coloured top for his journey into the jungle...

This week I have had a go at a different kind of technique - inspired by my new Screenprinting class. Thanks Linz!!

Friday, June 9

Illustration Friday : Cake

Here is my belated IF attempt for CAKE!

When I was little, I used to dream of eating a massive chocolate cake like this and swimming in yummy custard...
Now I get headaches if I eat too much chocolate... boo hoo.

Illustration Friday : Portrait

I used to hate having my portrait done.

(bit behind with Illustration Friday at the moment... will do the cake one another time!)